I am Tim Michael Heinz Wolf

Name: Tim Michael Heinz Wolf

Profile: Data Scientist @kybeidos

About me

I am an ex-physicist who remains passionate about science and technology! For quite some time, I've spent my time discovering the mysteries of nature while using computers. Bleeding edge detectors such as ATLAS at the LHC or XENONnT located at INFN's Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso were a perfect match for my physics interests. These evolved around Higgs physics at the LHC, the standard model of particle physics and its limitations, demonstrated by several observations indicating the existence of Dark Matter.

In my PhD, I studied the interaction between the Higgs boson and the top quark leading to the discovery of the $t\bar{t}H$ process. I applied a novel machine technique to discriminate signal versus several background components allowing to find regions which are enriched in the background components. This was subsequently leveraged to derive a result in the $H\rightarrow b\bar{b}$ channel in my PhD thesis.

For my postoc, I switched collaboration and since 2019 I am a member of XENON focusing on the application of statistical methods in the context of WIMP searches and $0\nu\beta\beta$-decay searches. From October 2021 until October 2022, I was a young fellow of the Marsilius Kolleg Heidelberg focusing on science communication.

In February 2023, I chose to switch fields and dedicate my time to the field of data science. I am fascinated by the possibilities of machine learning and the potential of artificial intelligence to solve problems that are currently beyond our reach. For this, I joined kybeidos, an IT consultancy located in Heidelberg.

In my free time, I enjoy playing with various Raspberry pie. I am running my own Pihole, Plex media server, Nextcloud instance, wireguard VPN, and NAS to organize my data. Apart from techie and nerdy stuff, I enjoy spending time with my family and I play table tennis.

Academic Work

My publication list

#physics #lhc #atlas #xenon #independent

My PhD Thesis

#physics #lhc #atlas #tth #machinelearning #statistics
14 Dec. 2018
My Master Thesis
#physics #theory #inflation #howdoestheuniversework
20 Jul. 2014